Identifying Control Strategies for Supernumerary Multi-Arms in Virtual Reality (2025)
3D Printing Locally Activated Visual-Displays Embedded in 3D Objects via Electrically Conductive and Thermochromic Materials (2024)
by Shape Change and Embedded Magnets (2024)
Inline Visualization and Manipulation of Real-Time Hardware Log for Supporting Debugging of Embedded Programs (2024)
Guiding and monitoring circuit assembly for synchronous and remote physical computing education (2024)
Visuo-Haptic Illusion of Size-Change Using Finger-Repositioning (2024)
Using wood filament and dynamic control of nozzle temperature for embedding shades of color in objects (2024)
Rendering Perceived Terrain Stiffness in VR Via Preload Variation Against Body-Weight (2023)
How Different Augmented Reality Visualizations of Online Fitness Videos Support Flow for At-Home Yoga Exercises (2023)
Understanding Haptic-Visual Congruency of Skin-Slip in VR with a Dynamic Grip Controller (2022)
A Wearable Skin-Slip Haptic Device for Rendering Width and Motion of Objects Gripped Between the Fingertips (2022)
Localized and Sequential Shape-Changing Actuation of 3D-Printed Objects via Selective Heating (2022)
Enabling electronics education in VR (2022)
Sensing Food Intakes with an Attachable on Your Eyeglass Frame (2022)
Supporting Rapid Prototyping with Instant Reconfigurations of Wires in Breadboarded Circuits (2021)
Improving Communication in Computational Notebooks Using Interactive Data Comics (2021)
Exploring Pseudo Hand-Eye Interaction on the Head-Mounted Display (2021)
Bimanual Haptic Illusion of Physically Connected Objects for Immersive VR Using Grip Deformation (2021)
A Walkable Pin-Array for Large Shape-Changing Terrains (2021)
Supporting Correct Assembly of Schematic Circuits using Dynamic In-Situ Visualization (2020)
Augmenting Speech with Visual Cues of Lip Motions, Facial Expressions, and Text Using a Wearable Display (2020)
A Handheld Variable Stiffness Display for Rendering Dynamic Haptic Response of Flexible Object (2020)
Fabricating Circuits Directly on the Skin at Arbitrary Locations Using a Wearable Compact Plotter (2020)
Partitioning Open-plan Workspaces via Augmented Reality (2019)
A Mixed-Reality Tool for Designing and Tuning Breadboarded Circuits (2019)
A Computational Approach for Spider Web Inspired Fabrication of String Art (2019)
Conversational Test-Driven Development for Physical Computing (2019)
a Handheld Force-Feedback Device that Renders Weight Motion Illusion on a Virtual 2D Plane (2019)
Spatiotemporal Haptic Cues on the Ears (2019)
Notifications by Poking Around the Finger (2018)
a Wearable Propeller-based Prototype that Provides Ungrounded Force-Feedback (2018)
Designing On-Body 2D Patterns to Enhance Subsidiary Communication for Telepresence Robots (2018)
A Skin-Drag Discrete Display (2017)
Disambiguating Touch with a Smart-Ring (2017)
sensing surface color and material with the front-facing camera of a mobile device (2017)
Designing Skin-Dragging Haptic Motions for Wearables (2017)
Supporting User and Context Aware Interaction Through Shape-Changing Interfaces (2017)
A Moderated Sketching Tool for Supporting Idea-Generation with Remote Users (2017)
pressure touch, twist and pan gesture input on unmodified smartwatches (2016)
Providing Realism in Handwriting Tasks on Touch Surfaces using Auditory-Tactile Feedback (2016)
Bring Your Own Picture for Securing Graphical Passwords (2016)